Customer Testimonials

“Cindy is a Gem!! She took amazing care of our daughter.  She arrived with a big bag of toys and a huge smile and instantly made us feel comfortable.  She went above and beyond a babysitter and we wish we could have brought her home with us.” -Becky G

“We had both Cindy and Joyce as our nannies while we were at a 2 day conference.  They both arrived on their day on-time and communicated well prior to our arrival.  My 3 y/o and 7.5 month old loved them!  They loved all the toys, activities and balloons.  My son talked about them and his adventures with them on the ride back to Tucson. I felt comfortable leaving the kids with each of them.  We will see them again next year.  Thank you Cindy & Joyce.” -LiTing S

“Cindy was very friendly and helpful during our visit to Sedona.  We dropped our 2 kids off while we went hiking and she was extremely accommodating, even after making some last minute changes.   Rates are more than reasonable.  Highly recommend her service to anyone.  Thank you Cindy!!” -Ryan H